It’s very often that you have just downloaded or copied an Eclipse project into your computer and can’t wait to check it out with your pen friend Eclipse IDE. For example, you just downloaded an interesting Spring example project from and want to open it in Eclipse. However, you quickly notice that Eclipse doesn’t have something like File > Open Project. Even when you switched the workspace to the project’s directory, Eclipse still doesn’t recognize the project! Oh, what’s the heck? Well, that’s simply because you haven’t selected the right thing. In Eclipse, to open an existing project which is copied from another source, you need to use its Import function.

The Import function can be accessed in three ways:

Import from Project Explorer view context menu

Regardless of the way you took, Eclipse brings the Import wizard as follows:

Import wizard screen 1

Select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next. The next screen Import projects appears:

Import wizard screen 2

Suppose you downloaded an Eclipse project bundled as a zip file, for example:, then select the radio option Select archive file, and click the Browse button to locate the zip file. Eclipse will inspect the zip file and show available projects in the list box. In this case, the project is EmailSpringMVC.

Click Finish, Eclipse will extract the archive and copy the files into current workspace, and finally show up the recently imported project in Project Explorer/Package Explorer view:

Project imported


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About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java in the time of Java 1.4 and has been falling in love with Java since then. Make friend with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos you YouTube.