Today I’m going to share with you some shortcut keys for refactoring Java code in NetBeans IDE. Use these shortcuts to boost your coding productivity.


1. Alt + Enter:

When the cursor is at the line marked as erroneous or problematic, press this shortcut will show up the suggestions (hints) to fix the error/problem:

Show Suggestion

This shortcut is very useful as it allows you to quickly access the options without moving the mouse to the line number column on the left and then click the hint icon.


2. Ctrl + R:

Renames (with refactor) a variable, method, class or a file. If applied for a variable, the variable is marked in a red rectangle. You type the new name and hit Enter, all references to that variable are updated:

rename variable

Press Esc to cancel renaming.

If the object being renamed is a method or class, then the following dialog gets displayed:

Rename class

Enter a new name, and then click Refactor.

You can also preview the changes by clicking the Preview button, and then a refactoring view gets displayed like this:

Refactoring view

Here you can compare the two versions: the current one versus the refactored one. Then click Do Refactoring to apply the changes.


3. Alt + Delete:

Use this shortcut to safely delete a variable, method or class. That means NetBeans will check for any references before deleting.

For example, press Alt + Delete would bring the following dialog:

Safely delete

Click Refactor. If references were found, that means you cannot safely delete the item, as shown in the following warning dialog:

Cannot safely delete

If there is no warning, NetBeans will delete the item because it’s safe.


4. Ctrl + M:

Moves members from one class to another, or moves a class from one package to another.

Here’s the Move Members dialog:

Move members dialog

And here’s the dialog if the object being moved is a class:

Move class dialog


5. Alt + Shift + M:

Extracts a selection of a code block to a new method. The Introduce Method appears as shown in the following screenshot:

Introduce Method dialog


6. Alt + Shift + V:

Extracts an existing expression or statement into a new variable. For example, the statement textEmail.getText() appears multiple times so it should be introduced to a variable:

Select statement

Then the Introduce Variable dialog appears like this:

Introduce Variable dialog

Enter the variable name and click OK. Note that the scope of the newly introduced variable is local.


7. Alt + Shift + C:

Introduces a new constant. This shortcut is useful in case you want to convert a String literal to a constant. For example:

Select String

Then the Introduce Constant dialog appears:

Introduce Constant

You can update the name, and then click OK.


8. Alt + Shift + P:

Introduces a new parameter. This shortcut is useful in case you want to introduce a String literal, numeric literal, boolean literal or an expression to a method parameter. For example, introduce the integer number 500 in the following code to a method parameter:

select numeric literal

The Introduce Parameter dialog appears:

Introduce Parameter

Update the name and click Refactor. Here’s the result:


9. Alt + Shift + E:

Introduces a new member/field. Use this shortcut if you want to change scope of a local variable to a class member, or to convert an expression to a field. The Introduce Field dialog looks like the following:

Introduce field


10. Alt + Shift + X:

Introduces local extension. Perhaps this is one of the most complex refactoring features in NetBeans. In short, this creates a subclass or a wrapper class of a selected type in order to have additional methods for that type. Read the following post for more details: Generating (Introduce) Local Extensions.

Here’s a screenshot of the Introduce Local Extension dialog:

Introduce Local Extension


Other NetBeans Tutorials:

About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java in the time of Java 1.4 and has been falling in love with Java since then. Make friend with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos you YouTube.